

A rich town located on top of the backs of giant turtles. Decorated in shades of gold and covered in moss and seaweed, the only way to travel between sections of the city is by gondola. The people are very friendly here and always welcoming of strangers.

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Tracks of bioluminescent coral reefs that help sailor determine how close they are to shore, and host a multitude of special fish and sea creatures.

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A singular massive underground cavern in the center of the ocean where water pours into and whose bottom was entirely formed by skeletons of travelers who fell into the pit to their deaths, and their shipwrecks. Connected to a single system of underwater caves that's mostly caved in, but it is possible to reach it.

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Endless Seas

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created by The Salty Void last post by The Salty Void
Jul 14, 2015 20:06:55 GMT


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The Endless Seas
Composed of several odd colored waters, touching but never mixing, no one is quite sure if the Seas are fully Vague. Defined parts may exist in between the beautiful waters. Reefs and other life make their homes in the water.
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